Wise Words

A dear friend of mine wrote this today. I think she is hitting the nail on the head. So rather than paraphrase, I think I’ll let you all get it in her own words.

live your hopes

I have been overwhelmed by the response to my previous blog post. I have been encouraged by the conversations that have already begun to flow from it. Because it seems like an important issue right now, I have decided to continue the conversation in this venue. Before I do, I want to remind readers that I don’t speak for all young adults, I speak merely from my experiences at UPC and what I have observed through my own ministry here and through some of the relationships I have formed.

There are a lot of stereotypes about the young adult age group that stand as a barrier to ministry and connection. To be fair, at times we have a hand in perpetuating them, but lets go ahead and lay some of them out on the table so that we can begin to move beyond them.

1. We only come to…

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