Sermon: Mark 9:30-37

Well everyone, I’m sorry for not posting this summer. It’s been over three months!


This summer I did an internship at a hospital as a chaplain and it ended up taking over my whole life. I didn’t have much time see friends, never mind keeping a blog up. But now the school year has begun and I hope to post more regularly.

In other news, I’m serving a church here in Decatur, GA as a ministry intern! What does that mean? It means a lot of things, but one of the coolest is that I get to preach on Sundays from time to time! I learned that they record my sermons and you can watch it HERE!!

The text is Mark 9:30-37. I had fun preaching it. It’s my second ever sermon in front of a real congregation, so don’t laugh too hard.

<p><a href=”″>Sermon Mark 9 30-37 Sept 23 2012</a> from <a href=””>Tad Schuldt</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a&gt;.</p>
PS: Black robes make me feel like a badass!